World Tour 2019
South Carolina, USA to Bangkok, Thailand
Moto 02 100

Today's latest installment of

Where the hell is he today?

Hello , below, you'll find links to my most recent posts. Enjoy!

10-18 Blog Posts updated

I've left China, and can now post videos Posts have been updated Several posts have been updated. I've been uploading the videos, and inserting the links as I've completed the posts. Here is the list 10-17 Day 99 10-16 Day 98 10-10 Day 92 10-06 Day 88 10-05 Day 87 10-04 Day 86 10-03 Day 85 10-02 Day 84 Visit …
10-18 Blog Posts updated
Our time on Earth is short, make the most out of it, and try not to be too safe...